Maryam’s journey from despair to happiness is a testament to the power of proper medical care. At Saleem Memorial Hospital, we ensure that patients facing critical health issues receive expert treatment and compassionate care. When Maryam first came to us, she was struggling with significant health challenges. Our dedicated medical team provided both medical intervention and emotional support.
Today, Maryam stands as a beacon of hope, inspiring others who face similar battles. She has regained her health and zest for life. Your donations can help us support more patients like Maryam, providing them with the care they need to overcome their health challenges. Join us in our mission to heal and transform lives.

Account Title: Saleem Memorial Trust Hospital
Account No: 12427949396401
IBAN: PK52 HABB 0012 4279 4939 64 01

Account Title: Saleem Memorial Trust Hospital
Account No: 02 5401 0213 5418
Bank Name: Meezan Bank Limited
Branch Name: Zahoor Elahi Road Branch, Building No 3, Block A, Gulberg II,
Lahore, Pakistan

United Kingdom, UK
Saleem Memorial Trust, UK is registered with the Charities Commission for England and Wales with registered charity number 1179416. Tax credit can be claimed for your donation.
Account Title: Saleem Memorial Trust UK
Account No: 23524124
Sort Code: 20-57-76

United States of America, USA
Friends of SMH Inc. is registered charitable organization under Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Donors can deduct contributions they make to our charity under IRC Section 170.

Contribute to Saleem Memorial today by making your donation via
Interac e-Transfer at

Naming opportunities provide a meaningful way for donors to establish
enduring legacies by naming rooms, departments, or facilities in honor
or memory of loved ones.

Mailing Address
You can donate by sending cheques or bank drafts payable to:
Saleem Memorial Trust Hospital
Send at the location below:
Opposite Green Forts II,
Canal Road, Lahore
Saleem Memorial Hospital is registered as a not-for-profit organization under Section 42 of Companies Act 2017 and Section 2 (36) of Income Tax Ordinance, 2001. You can make a one-time or monthly recurring donations of any amount to support us. Tax credit for your donation can be claimed under Section 61 of Income Tax Ordinance, 2001.